lunedì 9 dicembre 2013

Dal PON - Nelson Mandela: Greatest negotiator

Da Susan Hackley, sul blog del PON (Program on Negotiation dell’Harvard Law School) un tributo a Mandela, definito “the greatest negotiator”… il perché è riportato di seguito.

Molto interessante, per ricordare un grande uomo, decisamente carismatico e “negoziatore” nato…

Nelson Mandela  was “the greatest negotiator of the twentieth century,” wrote Harvard Law School professor and Program on Negotiation Chair Robert H. Mnookin in his seminal book, Bargaining with the Devil, When to Negotiate, When to Fight. In his chapter on Mandela, Mnookin cites Mandela’s patience, tenacity, pragmatism, and strategic thinking.

“He rejected the simple-minded notion that one must either negotiate with the Devil or forcibly resist. He did both. He was willing to make concessions, but not about what was most important to him. With respect to his key political principles, he was unmovable.”
Mnookin admired Mandela’s ability to persuade his adversaries.
“He ultimately achieved through negotiation an outcome that could never have been accomplished solely through violence or resistance“.

Link al blog

ps Ricordo che di Nelson Mandela parlerò stasera nella mia trasmissione radiofonica GODOT PRIDE, in onda, come tutti i lunedì, dalle 21 alle 22,45 su Radio Godot… Stay tuned! Stefano

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